In familia mea, fiecare merge la un alt medic stomatolog si tuturor ni s-a recomandat sa folosim dusul bucal pentru o curatare mai eficienta a dintilor. Prima care l-a achizitionat si incercat am fost eu, pentru ca am mare incredere in medicul meu si cred ca igiena orala este esentiala atat pentru sanatate, cat si pentru aspectul fizic. Am fost uimita de cate poate face acest aparat si cat de bine curata dintii! Se poate spune ca daca iti periezi dintii faci treaba doar pe jumatate, cel putin asta am constatat dupa ce l-am folosit prima data si continui sa constat asta de fiecare data cand il folosesc. Adica in fiecare seara. Acum am doua astfel de aparate, unul portabil, fara fir – Waterpik si unul cu rezervor si fir – Severin. Amandoua sunt foarte bune, fiecare avand avantajele si dezavantajele lui. Ador acest dispozitiv si nu ma mai pot desparti de el! Recunosc ca de cand am purtat aparat dentar, acord o foarte mare atentie igienei orale, dar vi-l recomand si voua si va garantez ca in curand veti auzi tot mai des vorbindu-se despre el!
Mai multe despre dusul bucal:
Dusul bucal este un dispozitiv de ingrijire la domiciliu care pulseaza un jet de apa pentru a indeparta placa si resturile alimentare dintre dinti si de sub linia gingiei, si pentru a imbunatati sanatatea gingiilor. Folosind un dus bucal, impreuna cu un agent anti-microbian pentru a ucide bacteriile daunatoare este unul dintre cele mai bune lucruri pe care le puteti face pentru a preveni aparitia cariilor dentare si infectiilor gingiei, si este de asemenea foarte util pentru persoanele aflate in cursul unor tratamente ortodontice, sau pentru oricine altcineva care doreste o mai buna igienizare a cavitatii bucale.
Waterpik Ultra Cordless |
Severin |
In my family, each of us has different dentists and we were all recommended to use the dental irrigator for a more efficient cleaning of the teeth. The first one who tested and purchased it was me, because I trust my doctor and I think that oral hygiene is essential both for my health, and for my appearance. I was amazed how many things it can do and how well the machine cleans the teeth! I might say that if you brush your teeth, you only do half of the job; at least that's what I found after I first used it and continue to realize this every time I do. I mean every evening. Now I have two such devices, a portable, wireless one - Waterpik and a tank, wired one - Severin. Both are very good, each with advantages and disadvantages. I love this device and I cannot separate from it! I admit that since I wore braces, I pay a particular attention to oral hygiene, but I recommend it to you and I guarantee that soon you will hear more and more people talking about it!
More about the dental irrigator:
A dental irrigator is a home care device that uses a stream of pulsating water to remove plaque and food debris between teeth and below the gum line and improve gum health. Using an irrigator along with an anti-microbial agent to kill the harmful bacteria is one of the best things you can do to prevent dental cavities and gum infections, and is also very useful for people undergoing orthodontic treatments, or anyone else who has problems reaching all over the mouth.
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