Iata ca a venit vremea sa vorbim si despre cum sa aratam bine si sa ne protejam buzele pe timp de iarna. Avand in vedere ca nici anul acesta frigul si zapada nu ne-au iertat, ba chiar ne-au dat mai multe batai de cap decat in alti ani, trebuie sa ne conformam si sa folosim produse adecvate. O sa va recomand doua luciuri de buze de la Bourjois Paris, care pot fi folosite in orice anotimp si cu orice ocazie.
Primul este Effet 4D: Gloss brillance en 3D + Nacres
multi-reflets. L-am primit anul trecut si l-am folosit pe tot parcursul
anului, datorita nuantei neutre pe care o are (Rosé givré). Diferenta
fata de un gloss obisnuit o face capacelul cu sclipici pe care il are
atasat si care poate fi folosit seara, la diferite evenimente. Exista si o
mentiune pe care trebuie sa o fac in legatura cu acest luciu de buze si anume
faptul ca nu recomand folosirea lui la temperaturi foarte scazute, intrucat
consistenta si culoarea acestuia se pot modifica.
Cel de-al doilea este Effet 3D: Gloss Concentré, Volume &
Brillance. Acesta este si mai potrivit pentru anotimpul de iarna
deoarece are o actiune de balsam hidratant ce dureaza pana la 8 ore.
Si acesta are sclipici, care este insa deja incorporat in luciul de buze.
Culoarea pe care am ales-o este Framboise tonic, ceva
mai aprinsa decat a celuilalt luciu de buze.
Daca aveti recomandari in legatura cu produse noi,
potrivite pentru acest anotimp, astept sugestiile voastre!
Bourjois Paris - Effet 4D/Effet 3D |
Bourjois Paris - Effet 4D/Effet 3D |
Today’s topic is about how to look good and to protect your lips during wintertime. Since this winter has made no exception from the other ones, but gave us even more trouble with the cold and the snow, we have to conform and use appropriate products. I will recommend two lip-glosses from Bourjois Paris, which can be used during any season and with any occasion.
The first one is Effet 4D: Color Brillance en 3D + Nacres multi-reflets. I received it as a present last year, and I used it all year round because it has a neutral shade (Rosé givré). What makes this gloss different from the others is the attached glitter cap. You may use it in the evening or at special occasions. There is something I have to mention about this lip gloss, namely that I do not recommend its use at very low temperatures, because its consistency and its colour may change.
The second one is Effet 3D: Color Concentration, Volume & Brillance. It is more suitable for winter because it has a moisturizing action that lasts up to 8 hours. The gloss is mixed up with multi-reflects glitter. The colour I chose is Framboise tonic, brighter than the other one.
If you have recommendations about new products that are suitable for this season, please share them here!
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