Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cand si de ce folosim apa de gura? / When and why we use the mouthwash?

De ce?
Apa de gura este recomandata datorita faptului ca, prin clatire, poate ajunge in spatii din cavitatea bucala ce nu pot fi curatate cu periuta de dinti. Are efect antibacterian si un miros foarte placut. 
Majoritatea apelor de gura se folosesc dimineata si seara, prin clatirea timp de 30-60 minute, in functie de recomandarile de pe eticheta. Eu o folosesc doar seara, pentru o mai buna igienizare a cavitatii bucale, dar pentru cei care au probleme cu respiratia neplacuta, este de preferat sa fie folosita si dimineata. Se foloseste intotdeauna dupa periajul dintilor.
Cum o alegem?
Ca si in cazul pastelor de dinti, apele de gura sunt de mai multe feluri, adaptate la problemele fiecarui consumator. Este bine sa alegeti apa de gura care vi se potriveste cel mai bine, dar nu uitati, ea trebuie schimbata de fiecare data, ca si pasta de dinti, pentru o eficienta sporita.
Ultima apa de gura achizitionata de mine este Colgate Total Pro-Gum Health, dedicata ingrijirii si protectiei gingiilor.
Colgate Total Pro-Gum Health

Mouthwash is recommended due to the fact that it can reach areas that the toothbrush cannot. It has antibacterial effect and a very pleasant fragrance.
Most of the mouthwashes are used in the morning and in the evening, by rinsing your mouth for 30 - 60 seconds, as written on the label. I only use it in the evening, because it better cleans my mouth, but if you have bad breath problems, you should also use it in the morning. The mouthwash is always used after brushing your teeth.
How do we choose it?
As in the case of toothpastes, there are different types of mouthwashes, adapted to every consumer's problems. It is good to choose the one that best suites you, but, don't forget, you must switch it every time, as well as the toothpaste, for a better efficiency.
Colgate Total Pro-Gum Health is my last acquisition, especially designed for gum care & protection.

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